Our work is based on scientific research, content and methods are extremely transparent.
These are to be found in Dr. Kreggenfeld's publications, which include books, contributions to books and articles in journals.

In addition we've been distributing a newsletter for more than 11 years that informs on topics, trends dealing with communication consulting. We'd be happy to have you sign up for it. And we certainly want to assure you that we are very cautious in dealing with your data. Promise! The publications are unfortunately at this time only available in German.
We thank you for your understanding.

Infobrief 2021 – 02 Im Fokus: Digital Leadership

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

sitzen Sie auch gerade im Homeoffice? Viele von uns arbeiten mittlerweile sehr selbstverständlich zuhause oder anderswo. ‚Remote Work‘ heißt das neudeutsch. Und ‚Remote Work‘ braucht ‚Remote- oder Digital Leadership‘, also das Führen auf Distanz. Beides wird uns in den kommenden Jahren dauerhaft beschäftigen.

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